Discuss two opposing ethical perspectives

Assignment task:

Identify, define and discuss two opposing ethical perspectives for each of the following scenarios, taking care to describe how an ethical dilemma might occur for each. The Ethical principles are:  beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, confidentiality, rights, and veracity). At least 5 of the 7 ethical principles need to be used in the scenarios.

a) A person has been declared brain dead and the hospital is wanting to use the person's organs for transplantation.

b) A person is terminally ill and would like to explore voluntary assisted dying.

c) A baby has severe abnormalities and the parents do not want the baby resuscitated in the case of an arrest.

d) A woman is considering the abortion of her foetus.

Also Choosing from one of the scenarios in question 4, choose two key principles in the Code of Ethics (ICN) to demonstrate how you would manage the situation.

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Other Subject: Discuss two opposing ethical perspectives
Reference No:- TGS03363211

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