Q1. What is structuralism? What is semiotics? How do these 2 terms relate to each other?
(For the general idea see Teams - intro to links for this topic [Structuralism and semiotics] + present your understanding of both terms)
Q2. What are the two most important characteristics of structuralism?
Q3. Explain the difference between langue and parol
Q4. What 2 elements constitute a sign? Characterize them and provide an example (e.g. apple)
Q5. What are the two ideas of interest to Saussure? (signifier/signified link; dogginess"
Q6. How did Charles Sanders Peirce expand the definition of a sign?
Q7. Icon / index / symbol - define these concepts
Q8. How does Tom Nichols justify the importance of semiotics today? (2 reasons)
Q9. Explain the basic elements of semiology: axes of language + paradigms and syntagms - use traffic lights as an example
Q10. "A new ritual paradigm" - explain 2 out of 4 differences between the past and the present understanding of rituals
Q11. What was the central question for Marx? What leads to massive inequalities? What is historical materialism?
Q12. How did Marx see historical development? Define (with examples): modes of production (forces of production and relations of production); Refer to the term "surplus"
Q13. "History is a matter of struggling classes, each aligned with either the forces of production or relations of production" - explain how you understand Marx's idea
Q14. What is hegemony? (Gramsci)