
Discuss two major segments erp systems

PowerPoint Presentation

Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation comparing and contrasting two major ERP systems from different ERP software providers. You may use various sources including the companies' websites. Be sure to cite all sources used in a reference slide with proper APA formatting. (Cover and reference slides do not count in the length requirement). You may also use the slide notes function.

Be sure to include the following in your presentation:

• Two major segments ERP systems
• Outline/description of each system
• Summary of key applications within each system
• Brief summary describing how such a system would be installed/implemented

• Proper APA formatting of citations and references

Discussion Board

Describe some of the ways the Internet has or has not impacted the way you, (1) make travel plans, (2) read news, and (3) decide which movie to see next.

Discussion Board

Marketing campaigns sometimes miss the mark. Nivea launched a campaign featuring an African American male that went viral and the company was forced to issue an apology. Fleet Laboratories was forced to do the same when an ad campaign targeting different female segments offended women across the board. Has a marketing campaign ever offended you on any level? Give a specific example.

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Other Management: Discuss two major segments erp systems
Reference No:- TGS01776943

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