
Discuss two companies competitive advantage

Two Country/ Two Companies Competitive Advantage Report:

This report asks you to compare the firm Celbi(lisbon ) to a competing firm headquartered in a different country to identify what differences, if any, between the two countries make a difference in the competitiveness of the two companies. The ISP course is premised on the ideas that location matters, and that managers must understand if, when, and how differences between the economic, social, political, and cultural conditions and dynamics of countries matter for firms. Suggested length is 5-7 typewritten pages, doublespaced, 12 point Times New Roman or comparable font.

Information about celbi: its industry, and its history, including annual reports (2009 - 2014) with financial statements for both Celbi and its parent, Altri.

The links are:

Da Celbi consultar https://www.celbi.pt/en/documentos/

Do grupo ALtri https://www.altri.pt/~/media/Files/A/Altri/reports/english/2015/Altri2015resultsEN.pdf

Document criteria

• Line spacing: at least 2 spaces between lines

• Font: 12 point

• Margins: 1.0" all around

• Cover page with course name, professor's name, your name and assignment name

• Number all pages, excluding cover page

• Put your name on each page (pages sometimes become detached)

• Staple pages together; please DO NOT use paper clips or binders

• You must Include separate bibliography page citing all published materials you used in your analysis

Information Search

You should be able to find a large number of sources of information about the country, industry and company you are studying at the NYU Library and on the internet. For particularly larger public companies, their websites are usually the easiest places to find relevant financial data, and announcements of major management decisions.

You must Be careful when considering the use of "second-hand" conclusions, i.e., conclusions drawn by authors without explicit reference to the data on which they claim to be drawing those conclusions. If you can't find the data on which the conclusions are supposedly drawn, at least check other sources to see if there is widespread consensus on the conclusion.

Evaluation criteria

"A" work on written assignments generally has the below characteristics:

• Utilizes appropriate concepts, tools and/or frameworks that are relevant to the assignment.

• Provides conclusions that follow logically from the data used and its analysis.

• Utilizes the appropriate unit of analysis when applying frameworks. For example, when conducting an industry analysis, you should analyze the industry as a whole unit rather than a specific company within the industry.

• Makes explicit the data and other evidence used to draw conclusions

• Makes explicit any assumptions that have been made in the analysis

• Uses sound grammar and sentence structure

• Provides an overall logical flow with appropriate use of section headings

• Uses language appropriate for the target audience

• Provides appropriate citations and references to sources of material used in the analysis.

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Other Management: Discuss two companies competitive advantage
Reference No:- TGS01775471

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