
Discuss two beliefs shared by at least three of religions


Answer each of the sub-questions in it so you create at least a 4- or 5-paragraph essay, and again, provide as much detail as time allows - show me what you know!

Question 1: Are all religions basically the same?

Some people say all religions teach basically the same thing. Is this true, or partly true, or false? Defend your answer by searching for:

1. two beliefs shared by at least three of the religions we covered, being sure to choose religions from both the Abrahamic and Dharmic families (two paragraphs), and

2. two practices shared by at least three of the religions we covered, again being sure to choose religions from both the Abrahamic and Dharmic families (at least 2 paragraphs).

3. Obviously your findings here are limited but do they suggest that all religions might teach the same thing?

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Dissertation: Discuss two beliefs shared by at least three of religions
Reference No:- TGS02563988

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