Case Coding: Review these cases for CPT(s); Modifiers and ICD-10(s). Remember there may be more than one of any of these used for the case. Some cases have FYI hints to appropriately choose a modifier, or pathology results for ICD-10. Not all cases will have modifiers, some may not include enough information to choose an ICD-10 or CPT code. If not enough please tell me what info you think is missing, so you can receive credit. You may notice more abbreviations please post a question if you have one. 10 pts each
• A 73-year-old female patient presented to the physician's office for chemotherapy administration. Treatment protocol consisted of an IV infusion of carboplatin 50 mg for 35 minutes and docetaxel 10 mg for 60 minutes. Patient also received .5 mg of dexamethasone infused over 15 minutes and ondansetron infused over 15 minutes. All infusions were sequential. The patient had cancer of the larynx.