Assignment task: Discussion Response to the following 2 posts
Discussion 1: The factors and indicators you can explore to understand an organization's culture are looking at things such as how many employee referrals the organization has, what is the employee turnover rate, what is the productivity level, and what is the communication within the organization like, (Ryba, 2022). It helps to look at the number of employee referrals because if the organization has a strong positive culture, employees would refer others to the organization, if the culture were negative and not a good place to work employees would not refer others as often. The employee turnover rate can tell you a lot about an organization because if the turnover rate is high then there is something negative going on to cause employees to want to leave the organization. The productivity level shows how motivated employees are and how engaged they are. If they are accomplishing tasks and reaching goals more often than not, there is something positive within the organization that is motivating them to put forth all of their efforts. This is a good sign of a strong positive organizational culture. The last factor that I mentioned is communication within the organization. This helps measure an organization's culture because if positive culture exists, employees will easily communicate with one another and there will be a safe and comfortable environment at work. If communication comes easily there is a strong culture within the organization, (Ryba, 2022).
The culture at my current job is "Jacksons manages to cultivate a positive culture. And it starts with leadership by example", (Cox, 2022). Cox, (2022), shares what Shane Wright, V.P. of Jacksons told him during an interview "The focus is on integrity, honesty, safety, and positivity. It's also instilling the idea that becoming a Jacksons employee is like joining a family," This is the company that I currently work for, and I have to say that I have been very happy with the way everything is handled in the overall big picture. Every organization has room for improvement as does anything in life, but the major big important things are done the right way and I am happy with my job and work environment, I think treating employees like family is the key to Jackson's success.
Discussion 2: There are a number of things employees use to understand the culture of a workplace. "Leadership structure, office environment, core mission and values, interpersonal relations, team engagement and communication style-these are just some of the many organizational details that shape company culture, something that is becoming more and more important to businesses of all kinds." (Thiefels, 2022). My work place is very different. The structure from the top is not the best. So it trickles down to us and when seem unorganized when it is really them. Since this happens on a daily we constantly have to remind staff that we will be organized no matter what. Our students depend on it. Our enrollment is never consistent and the hire rate is horrible. There are people who are not even certified to do there job, yet are expected to be productive. It is very hard to get work done and help others in this environment. "Being disorganized can hinder your ability to get where you want to be professionally, decrease your productivity, cost your employer time and money, and can even be bad for your physical and mental health." (Sheehan, 2023). I don't think they understand they dept of how bad it is because they really feel they are organized.