Write a research paper of 10-12 pages of body text (not counting your title page, abstract, and works cited pages) discussing, in APA format, some major aspect of spirituality/Christianity and some aspect of trauma, as described below. Please don't provide just a secular viewpoint or just a spiritual perspective. Integrate them using journal articles or book chapters on the topics as sources. Cite everything. Balance the paper with both a biblical worldview and theoretical perspectives.
Choose one of the options.
1. Discuss traumatic effects and responses and many of its related difficulties as well as recommended treatment options, together with spirituality in general. Incorporate a biblical worldview throughout. Use current (8 years or less) research and the Bible to support your approach.
2. Choose one or several types of traumatic event (natural disaster, domestic violence, sexual assault or abuse, motor vehicle accidents, etc.) and discuss appropriate assessment and treatment options. Use current research and the Bible to support your discussion.
The two options are similar with the exception that one is a general approach and the other applies your examination to a specific area.