
Discuss transformational leadership-authentic leadership


The ability to author a well written paper is a staple undergraduate work. By mid-semester you are to read Banker to the Poor: Mirco-lending and the Battle Against World Povertyby Muhammad Yunusand craft a well written paper using the following guidelines.

Your paper should be written according to APA 6 guidelines and include an abstract and cover-page with the assignment title, your name, date, university name, school name, course number, and professor. See figure 1 below. Your paper should be no less than 7 pages in length, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman, 12-point font, and include a reference page. There is no penalty for writing more than 7 pages. Do not plagiarize as each submitted paper will be scanned through iThenticate plagiarism software. References from the book and course textbook should be followed by an in-text citation. Each page should be numbered at the center and bottom of each page. Your cover page and reference pages do not count towards the total page count. Each section of your paper should be labeled with the corresponding question in bold.

Your paper should address each of the following questions:

1. What was Yunus' vision? And what was his inspiration for this vision? (Hint, Jabra)

2. In Banker to the Poor, why does Muhammad Yunasfocuse on making micro loans specifically to rural women? Discuss his reasoning. Was this leadership? If so, what type of Leadership trait, or approach was it? Support your answer. Cross reference his reasoning with definitions located in the textbook.

3. Using the Northouse text as a reference what leadership traits does Yunus express? Support your answer. Provide specific examples and cross reference those examples with definitions located in the textbook.

4. Using the Northouse text as a reference, what behavioral approaches does Yunus use? Support your answer. Provide specific examples and cross reference those examples with definitions located in the textbook.

5. Of the four leadership styles discussed in this course, Transformational Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Adaptive Leadership, which does Yunus use? All? Some? Support your answer. Provide specific examples and cross reference those examples with definitions located in the textbook.

6. Of the various theories, perspectives and principles of ethics found which does Yunus subscribe to? Support your answer. Provide specific examples and cross reference those examples with definitions located in the textbook.

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss transformational leadership-authentic leadership
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