
Discuss three-step writing process for persuasive messages


1: This was an insightful video, the speaker Simon Sinek went into detail about how the Golden circle works. The Golden Circle is "why, how and what" makes someone inspirational. I very much enjoyed how Mr. Sinek explained that people do not buy what you do they buy why you do it. If you do something because you love it, believe in yourself people can sense and see that you are genuine. When people do not believe in what they are doing others will not be inspired by them and will follow. As Mr. Sinek mentions Dr. Martin Luther King had followers not because they only believed in him but they believed in themselves as well. Thousands of people talked about the something but what made Dr. King different was that he believed in what he was saying and others believed in his words and in themselves. I found this video to be very inspiring because I am someone that believes in everything I do which is what inspired me to find a good school and get my degree.

2:I also liked when he was talking about hiring people. It draws my mind to experiences with small companies, where when you were hired, you weren't hired by a HR representative, but often it was the owner of the company. You heard what he or she had to say, and you signed on for the person. While you don't get the benefits that large companies may be able to offer you, it seems generally you have higher job satisfaction.
When I was hired at my current job, there was that same feel, even though it was a fairly large company. Now the company is simply a behemoth, and those days of being inspired aren't there. There isn't the same belief structure, nor is the culture of the company as apparent.

3: Discuss the Three-Step writing process for Persuasive Messages?

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Finance Basics: Discuss three-step writing process for persuasive messages
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