
Discuss three geoint components are applied to a military



Below are the definitions for the three components of GEOINT:

Imagery: A likeness or presentation of any natural or man-made feature or related object or activity and the positional data acquired at the same time the likeness or representation was acquired, including products produced by space-based national intelligence reconnaissance systems, and likenesses or presentations produced by satellites, airborne platforms, unmanned aerial vehicles, or other similar means (except that such term does not include handheld or clandestine photography taken by or on behalf of human intelligence collection organizations).

Imagery Intelligence: The technical, geographic, and intelligence information derived through the interpretation or analysis of imagery and collateral materials.

Geospatial Information: Information that identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the earth, including: statistical data; information derived from, among other things, remote sensing, mapping, and surveying technologies; and mapping, charting, geodetic data, and related products.

Question: Discuss how the three GEOINT components are applied to a military, civilian, or commercial intelligence problem-set or scenario. This should be an actual intelligence problem that is of concern to the Intelligence Community (past or present). If in doubt, please ask before you begin writing.

Example Scenarios: Raid on Osama bin Laden, Iranian production of a nuclear weapon, spread of Ebola...be creative. Just remember, this should be a problem of concern to the Intelligence Community.

Sources: Students should use a minimum of 6 scholarly references for this assignment, which should included some of your course readings.


1. Document Format.

a. MS Word document

b. One-inch (1") margins

c. Times New Roman font

d. Twelve (12) pitch

e. 5 to 7 double-spaced pages

2. Citation Format: Chicago. As stated in the Academic Integrity Briefings, information taken directly from another source must be placed in quotations and cited following the Turabian format contained in the week one "lessons" folder. You must cite all other information from your sources (to include images), even if you do not quote directly. DIRECT QUOTING SHOULD BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM.

3. Graphics are allowed and encouraged for this assignment. However, this paper should also have a minimum of 5 pages of double-spaced text, which does not include your title page, graphics and bibliography.

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss three geoint components are applied to a military
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