
Discuss the weaknesses of the chosen theory


Integrative Psychotherapy Approaches


1. Analyze the conversation below and briefly share your thoughts. Elaborate on a particular point within the discussion. Share your comments on how well you feel that this person has done on their discussion on integrative psychotherapy approaches.

2. Of the theories of psychotherapy this person has studied this quarter, this person was asked to discuss which one do they like the best? Explain why.

3. Discuss the weaknesses of the chosen theory.

4. Which other theory might be successfully integrated with their chosen theory to remediate those weaknesses?

Here is their discussion:

Psychology is replete with difference schools of taught as well as therapist that are off-shuts of these schools of taught. The consequences of these difference schools of taught narrowed the application of therapy in therapeutic sessions of clients. This inevitably let to the clients benefitting less in therapy. Deficiencies of the use of single theory to therapeutic sessions now leads to the concept of an integrative therapy. An integrative therapy is the use of inputs from different schools of taught in therapy sessions for the benefit of the client. The immediate benefit of this integration is to enhance the efficacy and applicability of psychotherapy.

The application of integrative therapy is rooted in five principles.

These principles are 1) Reliance of the out come of research as a basic for integration rather that idiosyncratic theory. 2) Therapist acknowledge different multiple systems and use them in therapy instead of reliance on single theory. 3) Treatmenttheory used in session is based on diagnostic and non-diagnosis client characteristic. Emphasis is more on clients characteristic of the patient rather that the emotional disturbances of the client. 4) Integrative therapy rely on optimal treatment methods and healing relationship. 5) Choice of therapy and use of it is progressive as therapy session unfolds, matching immediate situations with corresponding theory.

In the studies that the writer has taken so far this quarter, the most appealing theory of psychotherapy to the writer is cognitive therapy." Cognitive therapy is based on a theory of personality that maintains that people respond to life events through a combination of cognitive, affective, motivational, and behavioral responses. In this regard, cognitive therapy is seen as how the individual perceive interpret, and assign meanings to events. In therapeutic session, the use of cognitive therapy is client centered. The therapist functions as a catalyst for a client to unlearn his beliefs and value systems. It is geared towards the client learning new ways of coping, reacting, and interpretation of social events around him. The therapist as a result works out pre and post therapeutic session schedule for the client.

Cognitive therapy good as it may be, revolves around the physiological frame work of the individual. Its reliance on how events are observed, interpreted and analyzed by the client in therapeutic sessions are devoid of the immediate social causes of emotional dysfunctions. Social events that may be consequences of emotional dysfunctions may not be direct results of physiological frame work of the individual. It is therefore difficult for an emotionally depressed client to be guided by the therapist in a therapeutic sessions to unlearn his belief systems, values, and attitude. The depressive condition of the client will require a behavioral change and not a physiological change.

It is in this regard that the writer has chosen behavioral therapy as a remedial therapy. Behavioral theory restores bad and wrong attitude to a good one. In other words these therapy decrease the maladaptive behaviors and increases the frequency of adaptive behaviors. When cognitive and behavioral therapy are integrated in therapeutic session, it is expected that the weaknesses in the use of cognitive therapy alone in therapeutic session will be overcome. The use of behavioral therapy is characterized by empathy, positive regard, congruence, genuineness, and self-disclosure have all been found to contribute to positive outcomes in psychotherapy. In summary motivational inputs by the therapist has proven to have lead to behavioral change of the client.

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Other Subject: Discuss the weaknesses of the chosen theory
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