
Discuss the ways in which a persons socio-economic class



Write a 1500 word essay on ONE of the following:

1. Using examples, discuss the ways in which a person's socio-economic class and his/her social situation can have an impact of his/her health.

2. Feminists argue that gender stereotyping and medicalisation have historically had a negative impact on women's health. Discuss. I CHOSE THIS


(1). Your essay should include:

Your chosen title

An introduction which tells the reader what the aims and objectives of the essay are and an overview of the themes you will be discussing.

A first paragraph in which you define the key terms used in your essay

The main body of your essay in paragraph format

A conclusion where you draw the threads of your discussion together and show how you have addressed your aims and objectives.

(2). You will be expected to draw on parts of at least six academic/peer-reviewed sources (that is academic books or academic journals) to support your discussion to pass. Of this minimum of six sources, only one can be an Internet source and the six does not include lecture notes. The six is a minimum; students are encouraged to carry out wider reading.

(3). Written expression is an important element of good written communication, so try to write clearly and accurately. Also put yourself in the position of the audience and asking yourself whether someone coming to your work ‘cold' would be able to follow your train of thought. Proof read your work before handing it in and/or ask a trusted person to read it through for you.

(4). No more than 5 -10% of the assignment should be in the form of quotations

(5). You must use the Harvard referencing system to identify the source of all the information used in your assignment.You must reference systematically throughout the work itself and include a reference of the sources cited in your work. Please pay particular attention to point 8 of the referencing guidelines on secondary referencing. You will find a copy of the latest referencing guidelines on the unit's BREO site. Also read the section headed ‘Plagiarism and Bad Academic Practice' on page 14 of this handbook.

(6). Your work must be word processed, double spaced and page numbered. You must also include a word count.

See ‘What you need to do to pass the unit' on page 5 of this handbook on what you need to demonstrate as a minimum to pass assignment two. Also see Level Four specific marking criteria on the unit's BREO site (under the Assessment section) and learning outcomes in this handbook for an indication of how your work will be graded.

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Dissertation: Discuss the ways in which a persons socio-economic class
Reference No:- TGS02529672

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