Problem 1: Define "erogenic aid' and discuss the various types of ergogenic aids. What are some examples of each type?
Problem 2: What roles do the FDA and FTC have in regard to dealing with dietary supplements?
Problem 3: List two nutritional ergogenic aids that strength athletes are likely to use or to have questions about?
Problem 4: What is a common nutritional ergogenic used by team sport athletes? Discuss the need for and effectiveness of this type of supplement for team sports and other athletes.
Problem 5: Define "doping". What world organization was formed in 1999 to prevent it?
Problem 6: What information should the sports dietitian obtain from the athlete prior to the first nutrition counseling session?
Problem 7: What tools can be used to obtain information about an athlete's diet? What are the pros and cons of each?
Problem 8: What are some of the various ways to determine an athlete's body composition? Briefly discuss the pros and cons of each.
Problem 9: What are the three major components of energy expenditure? Briefly explain each. Which component accounts for the largest portion of daily caloric expenditure?
Problem 10: What are some of the differences between credible diets and fad diets?