A great deal of debate exists about the existence and various applications of the death penalty in the U.S. Since the year 2002 alone, the U.S. Supreme Court has declared the execution of juveniles and mentally retarded persons unconstitutional (see the isssues on Juveniles and Mental Retardation on the Death Penalty Information Center Web site at Today, an ongoing debate surrounds evidence that a disproportionate number of minorities exist among criminals convicted of capital murder, resulting in a high ratio of minorities on death row.
1. In your opinion, are minorities overrepresented on death row? Explain your rationale.
2. Cite arguments and statistics that support your opinion.
On a separate sheet explain the opinion that differs from your own and argue your perspective explaining why your opinion is valid. Support your argument with case examples or statistics.
Neubauer, David W. (2001) Debating crime: Rhetoric and reality. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.