Discuss the value found in learning steps of the accounting


In today's business environment, companies use technology (e.g., computers and software programs) to record, organize, summarize and prepare financial reports rather than physical journals and ledgers to record and summarize information. Entry-level employees are trained to input data into an accounting system without formally understanding fundamental accounting concepts such as debits and credits, the accounting equation, journalizing, posting, adjusting, and closing.

1. Discuss the value found in learning and understanding the steps of the accounting and the using of journals and ledgers to demonstrate how information in processed.

2. Do you believe that the depth of one's understanding of accounting can impact one's career advancement? Explain.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Accounting Basics: Discuss the value found in learning steps of the accounting
Reference No:- TGS02959365

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