
Discuss the vaccination for polio


Question 1. Is the human disaster that follows armed conflict like war and civil strife causing forced migration.

Question 2. Is a collaboration of 120+ existing institutions that pools resources for rapid identification, confirmation, and response to outbreaks.

Question 3. The lead cluster agency responsible for international response for health after an emergency is

  • WFP
  • WHO
  • CDC

Question 4. What is the reservoir for pertussis in countries with high vaccination coverage?

  • airports
  • wild rodents
  • domestic pets
  • nonimmunized children and older individuals with waning immunity

Question 5. The severity of a complex emergency is based on the crude mortality rate. A very serious emergency is defined as

  • 1 death per 10,000 people per day
  • 2 death per 10,000 people per day
  • 5 death per 10,000 people per day
  • 10 death per 10,000 people per day

Question 6. The following factors all contribute to the increased malaria burden in affected populations in a complex emergency:

  • exposure due to poor or absent housing
  • a population that has been displaced from a non-malarious area
  • All answers are factors
  • weakened immunity because of multiple infections and malnutrition

Question 7. Which one of the following vaccine-preventable disease is recommended for routine immunization by the CDC for children under the age of 2?

  • All answers are correct
  • meningococcal
  • HPV
  • influenza

Question 8. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) comprises

  • medical and public health experts who develop recommendations on the use of vaccines in the civilian population of the United States.
  • consumer representatives and lawyers who provide perspectives on the social and community aspects of vaccination to guide medical decisions.
  • pharmaceutical companies who gauge how profitable a vaccine will be and make recommendations.
  • representatives of non-governmental organizations that review vaccine injury lawsuits to determine vaccine effectiveness.

Question 9. Artificially acquired immunity is

  • when a mother passes antibodies to her unborn child
  • vaccination for disease prevention
  • immunity to a disease after the person has been infected and survives the disease
  • a critical number of people within a community are vaccinated which protects the unvaccinated in the community

Question 10. Influenza subtype A

  • All answers are correct
  • is classified by H and N proteins
  • can cause pandemics
  • can infect other species besides humans

Question 11. Vaccine effectiveness

  • is the balance of cost of disease and cost of vaccination in real world situations where the disease burden is vaccine preventable
  • is defined as the number of serious side effects of a vaccine
  • is not critical to promote immunization, sustain uptake, and stimulate development of better vaccines
  • is % reduction in disease incidence in a vaccinated group compared to an unvaccinated group under optimal conditions (eg RCT)

Question 12. MRSA

  • is an antibiotic resistant form of a bacterium that causes disease in humans
  • is a virus that is treatable with antibacterials
  • is preventable through vaccination
  • is not a public health concern

Question 13. Meningococcal meningitis

  • is a vaccine preventable bacterial infection
  • can be prevented through herd immunity
  • causes sporadic outbreaks in South Africa
  • is easily treated with antibiotics before severe infection occurs

Question 14. Discuss the vaccination for polio. What are issues and why is polio not eradicated? (NOTE: This answer must be in your own words - not quoted material. You may use outside sources but please include proper citations)

Question 15. Which of the following is a way to reduce antimicrobial resistance?

  • all of the answers are correct
  • curbing unnecessary use and misuse of antibiotics
  • prevent hospital infections
  • development of vaccines to prevent diseases

Question 16. Bacteria can only transfer antibiotic resistance genes through reproduction.

  • True
  • False

Question 17. Variolation

  • was the use of cowpox to treat smallpox infections
  • is a virulent form of smallpox
  • resulted in a reduction from 30% to 3% deaths
  • only occurred in dairy maids

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Science: Discuss the vaccination for polio
Reference No:- TGS03181334

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