
Discuss the use of unmanned aerial vehicles


Part 1

Imagine 13 members of the terrorist group ISIS have successfully penetrated the U.S. homeland. Select and discuss U.S. land border (southwest, U.S./Canadian, etc.). Characterize the geography, key issues, (costs, legal vs. illegal crossings, immigration laws) or other challenges. Discuss how you would integrate Customs and Border Patrol, the military, state and local support, and technology to enhance capabilities to protect U.S. land borders. With the advent of drones, do you think they are a good return on investment thus far? How so?

Defend your views with specific facts, examples, and analysis that include capabilities before and after the inclusion of drones.

Part 2

Describe the U.S. land borders. How are they surveilled and protected (be specific)?

How would ISIS penetrate U.S. land borders?

In your response discuss the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV/drones: pros/cons, advantages/disadvantages), use of military forces (how, when).

Part 3

1. How would you surveil U.S. borders? Why?

2. Which borders are the riskiest and pose the greatest challenge for the United States?

3. Does the rise of ISIS and potential to infiltrate the homeland mean more drones-current use and costs?

4. Should border oversight be solely federal, state, local or joint and why?

5. In what ways can the United States, with Canada and Mexico provide efficient and secure ground borders? Explain.

Remember to support your statements with examples and references

Part 4

The U.S. Coast Guard conducts "maritime surveillance, interdiction, and security operations." The United States has not experienced a serious, direct attack on a major seaport or cruise ship entering the United States. Why not? Identify and discuss specific U.S. Coast Guard efforts to conduct maritime surveillance, interdiction, and security operations in the past 10 years.

Part 5

The Port of Long Beach was the destination of a vessel from the Middle East carrying a contagious biological agent carefully hidden in its cargo. The terrorist plot was to have one of the longshoremen, a member of ISIS, retrieve the agent, distribute a portion of it to two other group members, then release it at LAX and San Diego airports during rush hour traffic in L.A. that evening and San Diego the following morning.

According to Forbes, California is the 9th richest state in the United States based on income, gross domestic product, and tax dollars. (https://www.forbes.com/sites/kathryndill/2014/10/13/the-richest-and-poorest-states-in-2014/) Discuss port vulnerabilities and security strategies. Have there been infiltrations in the past 5 years? If so, how were they handled and what were some lessons learned? Based on your findings, suggest future, improved ways to protect U.S. seaports. The U.S. Coast Guard conducts "maritime surveillance, interdiction, and security operations." The United States has not experienced a serious, direct attack on a major seaport or cruise ship entering the United States. Why not? Identify and discuss specific U.S. Coast Guard efforts to conduct maritime surveillance, interdiction, and security operations in the past 10 years.

Part 6

The Container Security Initiative:

For the past 10 years, 90% of the transatlantic/transpacific cargo entering the United States has undergone non-intrusive CSI screening. What are some of the current strategies in place to protect U.S. seaports? Discuss at least three.

Do you think the Customs and Border Patrol has achieved global reach between CBP officials and foreign nations?

What if there was a biological attack against the Port of Long Beach, LA, and San Diego to immobilize the transportation system, disrupting the U.S. economy infrastructure, and cause thousands of casualties? Outline the various decisions necessary to mitigate such a disaster.

Part 7

Explore and discuss a U.S. cybersecurity terrorist act that occurred within the last three years. Your example can be either a U.S. homeland incident or an act against a U.S. embassy.

Part 8

The ISIS Cyber Caliphate's hit the U.S. Central Command's (CONUS/Florida) Twitter page on January 12, 2015. Explore and characterize the incident in terms of the threat, ISIS motive, message, capabilities to further the group's cause. How was the incident handled, and what were some lessons learned? Based on your findings, suggest future, improved ways to protect the U.S. homeland.

Part 9

Cybersecurity is considered as a new sector of homeland security.

What threat do cyber-attacks pose to the United States?

What if there was a successful terrorist group cyber-attack on the Pentagon, immobilizing the Department of Defense's network communications or a segment of the U.S. critical infrastructure along the eastern or western coasts? Would this be an act of war? Discuss. Outline the various decisions necessary to mitigate such a disaster.

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Other Subject: Discuss the use of unmanned aerial vehicles
Reference No:- TGS01978876

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