
Discuss the types of assessment tools the psychologist

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Your neighbor tells you that her nine-year-old son has been having behavior and academic problems in school. "his teacher recommended taking him to the pediatrician to get a prescription for Ritalin, " she said.

In a well-thought out paper integrating information from class readings, make an argument for why your neighbor should first have her son evaluated by a clinical psychologist. Discuss the types of assessment tools the psychologist might use in his or her evaluation and how these tools would help in guiding diagnosis and treatment. In summary, you want to make an argument for why a clinical psychologist would be the best choice for this individual (even if you might not agree). Make sure to use appropriate sources of information and reference them properly, in American Psychological Association (APA) style.

Listed below is some points that need to be addressed in the paper. The threes key points.

(Assessment interview:definition and purpose, the referral,interaction, interviewing essentials and techniques,rapport, etc")

(Assessment of Intelligence: intelligence testing, reliability and validity,IQ: its meaning and its correlates, heredity and stability of IQ scores,the stanford-binet scales, the wechsler scales, the wais-III, the wisc-iv)

(Personality Assessment: MMPI and the MMPI2,projection test, the rorschach,the thematic apperception test, tat cas illistration, the use and abuse test)

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Dissertation: Discuss the types of assessment tools the psychologist
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