
Discuss the types of air contaminants

Response to EACH question must be a minimum of 200 words

1. When OSHA does not have a standard that applies to a specific industry hazard it is not uncommon for OSHA to cite the General Duty Clause in issuing a citation against a given employer. In doing this, OSHA often uses existing consensus or industry standards as evidence of hazard recognition and feasible hazard abatement. Please discuss the appropriateness of this approach. Use examples and/or sources to support your arguments.

2. Discuss the various types of air contaminants, specifically particulates and gases, which you or other employees are exposed to on a daily basis, and what types of engineering control measures have been implemented to reduce or eliminate these exposures. (Example: welding fumes-zinc, iron oxide, etc. are controlled by local exhaust).

3. Discuss the various types of sources of radiation that you are or may be exposed to on a daily basis in the workplace. If you do not think you are exposed, discuss potential exposures in other workplaces. Make sure to involve topics such as the types of exposures, noticeable shielding, and other protective devices, including PPE and various sources (i.e., x-ray machines, laboratory equipment with radioactive sources, non-destructive equipment, lasers, microwaves, etc.).

4. Everyone has known someone (e.g., a relative, a co-worker, or maybe even yourself), who has experienced some level of significant hearing loss, either as a result of birth, aging, or work place exposures. Discuss the significant impacts that you know or believe to have on that person's life, including the impacts to family members.

5. Have you experienced an environment which posed potential thermal stressors? Describe an example (i.e., fictitious or actual) of an environment posing potential thermal stressors. Then, share a few thoughts about how you could prevent injuries from occurring in that environment.

6. What areas in your current work environment involve the use of hydrostatics or hydraulics to make the systems work? If you are not employed, nor have a work environment, use your home or past employment environment to discuss this topic.

7. Take a look around your work area, your home, or another structure and identify the various types of fire protection and prevention equipment available. Pay particular attention to smoke detectors, heat detectors, fire extinguishers, sprinkler heads, and fire hydrants.

8. Take a look around your place of employment or home and identify potential ergonomic issues. What is an object or a task affecting someone's well-being? A few examples you may encounter as a safety manager include electricians twisting wires, cooks opening jars, manufacturing workers lifting materials, and office professionals using computer monitors. What is an example you have observed, and how would you maintain the well-being of the people around the object or the task?

No references or citations are necessary.

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Other Subject: Discuss the types of air contaminants
Reference No:- TGS02097850

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