
Discuss the two types of trade flow that underlie the

Assessment 1:

This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes:

1. An understanding of a variety of international environmental effects on business.

2. An analysis of the impact of uncertainty on international business behaviour.

3. Demonstrate independent learning in preparation for assignment


International Business

The data shown below reflect the growth of world merchandise trade (exports) for the period 1870-2007. Critically analyse the facts and respond to the four (4) tasks enumerated below:

The rapid growth of world trade over the last century reflects, at least in part, the fact that nations have become more interrelated as they attempted to gain the benefits of free trade. The table below compares the relative growth of world trade and world output from 1870 to 2007. It shows that the growth rate of world merchandise trade (exports) has exceeded the growth of world output (GDP) in four of the five periods. The post-Second World War period (1950-73) saw an unprecedented growth of world trade which far outstripped the growth of world production (Wall, S. & Ress, B., 2010).

Growth in world GDP and merchandise trade 1870-2007 (average annual % change)

2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015
GDP 2.9 2.5 2 5.1 3
Tradek(exports) 3.8 4.3 0.6 8.2 5.1

Given the information above:

1. Discuss the two types of trade flow that underlie the recorded growth in world trade.

2. Select one type of trade flow and apply it to the country of your choice that is currently involved in world merchandise trade.

3. Provide the country's 5-year net export figure
a. Evaluate its performance based on the given data and discuss whether the balance of trade is a "favourable" surplus (exports exceed imports) or an "unfavourable" deficit (imports exceed exports) to the domestic producers and domestic consumers.

b. Examine its effect on the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Show the actual relationship, with figures and chart.

4. Determine the measure/s to sustain a positive net export or method/s to restrict the level of imports that when left unabated will lead to realising a negative net export.

(Note: the method may be against the essence of free trade, in is up with justification/s for the use of such a method).

Assessment 2:

Assessment: Case-Based Assignment (2,000 words- 60%)

Assessment Tasks:

1. Introduction - Cite at least 2 (two) concepts of change management and concisely discuss each. Also, identify the objectives or key points in the assignment.

2. Content and Analysis

2.1 Briefly discuss the background of the organisation under investigation and analyse the situation or risk that needs to be resolved.

2.2 Discuss and critically evaluate the different types of organisational change.

2.3 Based on the answers in 2.2, Identify and critically analyse the type of change that the CEO of Mercer Medical Center wants to implement.

2.4 If you were the Medical Director of Information Services, Kathryn Reed, what change theory and leadership theory would you use to overcome workers' resistance to change and drive success to the case situation?

2.5 Develop a Communication Management Plan that should be used by Mercer Medical Center to effectively manage and lead the proposed change management programme. Present the plan in tabular form with textual explanation. (Follow the format specified in Annex A)

3. Conclusion - draw conclusion from analyses and findings and emphasise what should be done differently in the case.

4. References - Implement Harvard style of referencing from at least 15 references not older than 2007 from varied sources.

(Write in an essay format. Word limit: 2000 (minimum) to 2200 (maximum) words.)

Case: Managing Change Analysis of a Hypothetical Case

Joan S. Ash, PhD, MLS, MBA, James G. Anderson, PhD, Paul N. Gorman, MD Rita D. Zielstorff, RN, MS, Natalie Norcross, MLIS, Jody Pettit MD, and Patricia Yao BS

I. Introduction

1.1 Change Management (define with proper citation; discuss briefly)

1.2 Objectives of the Assignment ( refer to the tasks required for the case assignment)

II. Content and Analysis

2.1 Background of the Case. Give important data and key information; identify the needs, problems or concerns in the case that needs to be addressed; and trace the root cause of it.)

2.2 Types of Organisational Change. Discuss and critically evaluate the different types of organisational change learned from class discussions. Give cited works and cite properly.

2.3 Type of Change CEO Wants to Implement. Based on the answers in 2.2, Identify and critically analyse the type of change that the CEO of Mercer Medical Center wants to implement. Support analysis with works/materials that are properly cited.

2.4 Change Theory that can be Implemented. If you were the Medical Director of Information Services, Kathryn Reed, what change theory would you use to overcome workers' resistance to change and drive success to the case situation?

Leadership Theory that can be Implemented. If you were the Medical Director of Information Services, Kathryn Reed, what leadership theory would you use to overcome workers' resistance to change and drive success to the case situation?
Support analysis with works/materials that are properly cited.

2.5 Communication Plan for continuous change management. (presented in a tabular form with textual explanation below)

III. Conclusion (summary of the major highlights or points of the case; the learning received in relation to the objectives of the assignment)

IV. References (follow Harvard Style of Referencing; at least 15 references not older that 2007 from varied sources; classify your references according to: a. Books b. Journals c. Articles d. Thesis/dissertation e. Online Sources).
a. Books
b. Journals
c. Thesis/Dissertations
d. Online Sources

Assessment 3:

Assessment: Refereed Article on Change Management (800 words)

Assignment Tasks (Article Critique)

1. Write a summary of the article by identifying and explaining the author's idea and perspective and the audience. Include direct quotes from the article to illustrate your points. Identify the objectives or key points in the assignment.

2. Select theories/concepts of leading and managing change that are applicable to the article with articulated critical understanding.

3. Make a critical review of the article. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the opinions of the author and discuss both the positive and negative points based on your overall judgment.

4. Discuss your own point of view on how change can be implemented based on your evaluation. Relate your critical analysis to any of the theoretical models of change.

5. Conclude the key points and reasons identified during the critical evaluation.

6. Implement Harvard Style of Referencing from at least 15 references with year not older than 2006 from varied sources.

Instructions: Below is a refereed article with its corresponding link for you to do critical analysis and critiquing. To illustrate your point, bring in references to provide evidence in support of your critique. Write the title of the article and name of the a. ether in the final assignment paper.

Mastering Change Management
Author: Claudette Pope

Write in an essay format. Word limit: 800 (minimum) to 880 (maximum) words.)

I. Introduction

1.1 Summary of the Article (A brief profile of the article (summary of the idea of the author about change and how it is to be implemented)

1.2 Objectives of the Assignment ( refer to the tasks required for the article)

II. Content and Analysis

2.1 Theories/concepts of change that is applicable to the article. (with proper relevant citations)

2.2 Strength and Weaknesses of author's opinion. (support analysis and evaluation with proper relevant citations)

2.3 Positive and Negative Points of the authors opinion (support analysis and evaluation with proper relevant citations)

2.4 Own Point of View on Implementation of Change (supported with theory or concept of change with proper citation)

III. Conclusion (summary of the major highlights or points of the assignment; the learning received in relation to the objectives of the assignment)

IV. References (follow Harvard Style of Referencing; at least 15 references not older that 2007 from varied sources; classify your references according to: a. Books b. Journals c. Articles d. Thesis/dissertation e. Online Sources)
a. Books
b. Journals
c. Thesis/Dissertations
d. Online Sources

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Business Management: Discuss the two types of trade flow that underlie the
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