Book Title: " The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy" Second Edition By Pietra Rivoli
The Commentary is a few questions about YOUR reaction to Travels of a T-shirt book. It is not about the content. These are a few questions on your impressions of the book. If you put all the questions together, your responses should be roughly 1 1/2 to 2 pages.
Question 1: What did you find most interesting about the book?
Question 2: Tell me about one aspect of the book you found most troubling (i.e. an issue the author addressed, a recommendation she may have made, a particular philosophy or idea she promoted)
Question 3: Where there any "myth-perceptions" you may have had prior to reading the book that changed your view(s) on a particular subject?
Question 4: Summarize your overall view of the book after you finished reading it.