
Discuss the traits/characteristics of each of movements

Assignment task: Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920:The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) GREAT QUALITY! FULL MOVIE! ENGLISH SUBTITLES! - can be found on YouTube

Last Laugh 1924:The Last Laugh Der Letzte Mann F W Murnau 1924 Fenelon Full Movie - can be found on YouTube

The Love of Jeanne Ney:The Love Of Jeanne Ney (1927) - Bing video-can be found on YouTube

For this prompt let us focus upon a single nation and time period -- Germany in the 1920s. Germany came out of the war with a strong cinema, second only to Hollywood. This was largely due to government supports and a brief ban of foreign products which allowed the native cinema to prosper. It had a strong studio system.

Now, there were three trends/movements that were popular during this period -- Expressionism, the kammerspiel and New Objectivity.

Key films are: Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920,  Last Laugh 1924, and The Love of Jeanne Ney - 1927. Make these films a part of your discussion.

1) Discuss the traits/characteristics of each of these movements. What made them popular and why did they decline? As you discuss these traits, please name the films/filmmakers that illustrates this movement. Include date and director. Reference in specific ways the films you screened in your discussion.

2) Scan through the films I have provided to help you see in the flesh what these films looked like and did (in the "Germany in the 20s" sub-folder, within the 1920 - 1930 folder).

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History: Discuss the traits/characteristics of each of movements
Reference No:- TGS03287424

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