
Discuss the traits the celebrity possesses according to the

2-3 pages (not including reference page) on a celebrity and discuss this individual's significant life events and milestones as you see it relates to their personality development. Then, you will apply at least two of the follow theories and related questions to the individual:

Trait theory: Discuss the traits the celebrity possesses according to the different trait theories discussed in the text. (i.e Allport, Cattell, Eysenck, the Big Five, etc.)

Psychodynamic Theory: Discuss any unconscious conflicts the celebrity might be experiencing, and whether they are fixated at any of the psychosexual stages. (i.e. Freud, Jung, Adler, Erickson, Horney, etc.)

Cognitive-Behavioral: What thought patterns might the celebrity have learned? How do their thoughts, behaviors, and environment influence each other? (i.e. Skinner, Kelly, Mischel, Bandura, etc.)

Humanistic Theories: What sort of self-image does this celebrity have? Is their ideal self similar to their actual self? (i.e. Rogers, Maslow, Buddhism, etc.)

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Dissertation: Discuss the traits the celebrity possesses according to the
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