
Discuss the trade patterns of country india and its

Write a five 5 page paper excluding bibliography and footnotes (or endnotes). Discuss the trade patterns of country India and its structure, including a discussion of the following concepts:

1. An overview of the state of the economy. Discuss economic and social indicators.

2. Comparative advantages and areas of specialization and why. What do they export and what do they import?

3. What percentage of their national income comes from trade?

4. The extent of protectionism or trade liberalization.

5. Explain why their exports and imports fluctuate. What are the implications of these fluctuations on their trade balances? Use spreadsheets to demonstrate graphically these fluctuations.

6. Discuss historical changes in their currency and possible reasons for that.

7. Put together the discussion of the relevant issues including the list above in a report form rather than fragmented answers to the different questions.

Possible sources: Please use APA Format for the sources

1. International Financial Statistics (IFS) - IMF (On Reserve - Ganser Library (Use Computer 13) and at F&M Library)

2. Human Development Report: World Bank (On Reserve â Ganser Library)

3. ISI (CD ROM) - On Reserve in Ganser Library - Use Computer 13

4. Department of Commerce Reports (Reference - Ganser Library and homepage)

5. Economist, Wall Street Journal, etc.

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Business Economics: Discuss the trade patterns of country india and its
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