
Discuss the torts that protect against intentional

Research Memo and PowerPoint Presentation

Many of the people in the community that come into the office for consultation have questions about one tort or another. There are also persons in the community who are interested in starting their own businesses. Ms. Field would like to present on these two common areas as form of educating the community.

Conduct the research and prepare a PowerPoint presentation with the actual script Ms. Field will use to present this information at the seminar. This transcript will be presented in memo form. The presentation transcript must be the word-for-word content that will be covered on each slide. Your presentation must address the following:

1. Discuss the torts that protect against intentional interference with persons.

2. Explain the defenses to charges of assault and battery.

3. Discuss and analyze the basis for the tort of defamation.

4. Explain what trademark is and discuss why the use of a purported trademark solely on a Web site satisfies the "use in commerce" requirement for trademark protection.

5. Analyze and explain what copyright is and what copyright protection is available for software.

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Dissertation: Discuss the torts that protect against intentional
Reference No:- TGS02419097

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