
Discuss the tori and its significance identify other

World Religion Question; You have two options listed in description. Please let me know which one you would prefer.

Option 1: The torii is a gate-like structure that marks a Shinto sacred place. It is a kind of portal from the ordinariness of daily life to something more. Discuss the tori and its significance. Identify other instances of "portals" in both the secular world and particularly in religious settings of which you are aware, discussing their function and symbolism.

Option 2: Christians and Muslims look to an afterlife which will include a judgment and a paradise. Jewish people have a different understanding of afterlife, and prioritize living well today and creating a good life here and now. What is it that Jews believe about living life now and what happens after we die? How did such ideas develop, given that the other religions of the Middle East seem to have developed a different understanding focused on what happens next?

Word Count: 1000-1200 NO MORE, NO LESS.

I am in Kazakhstan studying so time difference tends to be a problem.

Please note that the time listed is in Kazakhstan local time.

-Writing quality is an assessment area. Use your best, most professional communication in these papers, as this is a reflection of your skill and professionalism.

-These papers are explorations of information and experience. They are not intended for casual opinion, nor are they opportunity for religious testimony. The papers are expected to have a research component, even when the primary assignment is experiential.

-Students are expected to explore outside of the textbook and outside of the class in investigating their topic. At least two reliable research sources must be used, with all material properly quoted and cited as to source. "Reliable" sources include scholarly works, journal articles, newspaper articles, presented papers, documented interviews, and such. "Wiki-" anything is not considered a reliable source. General references such as dictionaries, scripture texts, ask.com, general facts websites, and so on, may be used in addition to solid research sources, but they are not, themselves, counted among the required solid sources.

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Other Subject: Discuss the tori and its significance identify other
Reference No:- TGS02148397

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