Discuss the three types of prisoner abuse

Problem 1: What are some of the challenges that sometimes lead moral correctional officers to engage in unethical behavior?

Problem 2: Define punishment and then discuss the major rationales of punishment.

Problem 3: The police subculture has been studied more extensively than the subculture of probation and parole officers. You are considering making a career transition from police officer to probation officer. What will be different about the subculture of your new job? What will remain the same? Discuss in detail.

Problem 4: Treatment programs often involve choosing between value systems. You are a prison warden who wants to introduce more treatment-based programs into your institution. An explicitly Christian organization wants to work with your prisoners and will do so free of charge. They have a proven success rate with other prisons. The only requirement they have is that all inmates who volunteer for the program must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. You, like many of the inmates, are a devout Muslim. What will be the basis for your decision, and what are the issues that will arise?

Problem 5: Discuss the three types of prisoner abuse that Bomse identified, and provide an example of each.

Problem 6: Describe and discuss restorative justice and its potential role in dealing with misconduct and corruption in corrections.

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Reference No:- TGS03369485

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