
Discuss the terms charisma that was featured in the


Understand the following terms, using the information you have learned so far in the course: Please give detailed answers

a) convective cooling b) data support for multiple hypothesis c) modeled data and observational data d) types of data used e) uncertainty in data Summarize the importance of these five issues. Is the PPT presenting valid points? Is the analysis complete? Has the author reliably presented the subject or is she concealing bias?

2) Read the abstracts and try to understand the gist (and some but not all of the technical details) of the two paper incuded in the package on scientific conclusions in the presence of uncertainty. Of the two scientific papers, one,"Possible artifacts of date biases in the recent global surface warming hiatus," suggests temperatures have been underestimated and one, "Antarctic Ice," suggests that antarctic ice growth has been underestimated. Are you convinced? Why?

3) Evaluate the paper titled, "Seepage: Climate change denial and its effect on the scientific community." The paper states: Vested interests and political agents have long opposed political or regulatory action in response to climate change by appealing to scientific uncertainty. Here we examine the effect of such contrarian talking points on the scientific community itself. Are you convinced? Why?

4) Is Kuhn's concept of "paradigms" relevant to the above tasks? How?

5) Discuss the terms "charisma" that was featured in the Uncertainty in Climate Science PPT and the term "seepage" used in the paper "Seepage: Climate change denial and its effect on the scientific community" Are these appropriate terms to be used in the Uncertainty in Climate Science PPT and in the paper? Do these two items meet standards of scientific inquiry that you feel are important to arrive at conclusions.

6) Present your own views on how good our climate science is and how good our public discussion and policy making on climate science are? Does the information presented in the four items in the Course Document package for this Discussion Forum change your view in any way? How?

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Other Subject: Discuss the terms charisma that was featured in the
Reference No:- TGS01188099

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