discuss the term- design optimization we have

Discuss the term- Design Optimization 

We have seen various ways of representing the objects.The fundamental design model uses analysis model as the framework for implementation. The analysis model captures logical information regarding system. To get better result, design model shall contain details to support efficient information access. The inefficient, but semantically-correct analysis model could be optimized to make implementation more fruitful, but an optimized system is more difficult to understand and likely to be reusable in any other context. For the design optimization, as a designer, we must strike an appropriate balance between both efficiency and clarity. 

During design optimization as a designer we must keep following points in our mind:

  • Add redundant associations to reduce access cost and to maximize convenience.
  • Rearrange computation for greater efficiency up to the possible instant.
  • Save derived attributes to reduce re-computation of complicated expression


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Database Management System: discuss the term- design optimization we have
Reference No:- TGS0353574

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