
Discuss the t ratios of the variables

Discuss the below problem in detail:

Q: Examine the Minitab output shown here for a multiple regression analysis. How many predictors were there in this model? Comment on the overall significance of the regression model. Discuss the t ratios of the variables and their significance.

The regression equation is

Y = 4.096 - 5.111X1 + 2.662X2 + 1.557X3 + 1.141X4 + 1.650

X5 - 1.248X6 + 0.436X7 + 0.962X8 + 1.289X9

Predictor Coef Stdev T p
Constant 4.096 1.2884 3.24 0.006
X1 -5.111 1.8700 2.73 .011
X2 2.662 2.079 6 1.28 .212
X3 1.557 1.2811 1.22 .235
X4 1.141 1.4712 0.78 .445
X5 1.650 1.4994 1.10 .281
X6 -1.248 1.2735 0.98 .336
X7 0.436 0.3617 1.21 .239
X8 0.962 1.1896 0.81 .426
X9 1.289 1.9182 0.67 .508
S = 3.503 R-sq = 40.8% R-sq (adj.) = 20.3%

Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F p
Regression 9 219.746 24.416 1.99 .0825
Error 26 319.004 12.269
Total 35 538.750

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Applied Statistics: Discuss the t ratios of the variables
Reference No:- TGS01993523

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