Discuss the suitability of the out of home care environment

Assignment task: Watch the video by Youngcare. (2023). James' story [Video].

Using the marking criteria and supporting academic references address the following.

1. Discuss the suitability of the out of home care environment in the community where James was first living. Relate this information to the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) and James' level of activity, participation, and overall health. (20 marks)

2. Discuss strategies for health professionals that promote shared decision making in collaboration with carers, families, and individuals. Relate these strategies to James. (30 marks)

3. Discuss the key elements of person-centred care and outline the benefits for people with chronic conditions or persons with a disability. Support your discussion with evidenced based research literature. Related this information to James. (30 marks)

The purpose of this assessment is to enable students to meet the following subject learning outcomes. - Recommend strategies that promote a shared decision-making process in collaboration with carers, families, and individuals living with a chronic condition or disability. - Develop evidence-based rationales for safe, person-centred care of people with chronic conditions or persons with a disability.

Language Use

Sentences are well constructed, expression and meaning are clear, basic written language rules are followed.

Referencing and in-text citations.

 The APA (7th) referencing style is used correctly for both in-text citations and reference list.

 - Academic references include journal articles, textbooks, and reports.

- High quality academic references are current (within 5 years) and specifically relevant to the case study.

- Evidenced based research literature - research findings published in peer-reviewed journals relevant to the case study topic.

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Reference No:- TGS03379324

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