1. Please read the assignment carefully, because the requirement is in there.
2. Another two are the related reading articles about each tasks, but they are not enough for the writings. it is essential to find more information about each task. especially for task 2, it needs recently real world examples.
3. and each task should have equal words. and task1(a)''s words should less than task1(b)'s Your individual coursework portfolio addresses the following learning outcomes:
• Discuss the corporate governance issues and the duty of care of the directors of limited companies.
• Evaluate new costing techniques and appreciate their benefits over traditional costing.
Task One
Read the article below on Corporate Governance.
https://www.accaglobal.com/content/dam/acca/global/PDF-technical/small-business/ea-governance- for-all.pdf
(a) Explain the need for, and what is meant by, a conceptual framework.
(b) Discuss the suggestion that ‘corporate governance frameworks and their effectiveness are influenced by the environment in which they exist'.
Task Two
Read the article below on Activity Based Costing and then bring the debate surrounding Activity Based Techniques up to date.
Critically evaluate the use of Activity Based Techniques by organisations from the time of publication of the above article to the present day. Use of real world examples should be used in your work.
For both tasks, you must refer to alternative information sources in order to give your work academic credence and currency, but these must be referenced in accordance with the UWE Harvard referencing standard - the main referencing standard used at UWE.