
Discuss the success of internal branding


In the article, 'Which Employees' Values Matter Most in the Creation of Employer Branding?', there is attention placed upon what exactly are employee values when they are looking to become a part of a certain company. This topic is one that is interesting because we are typically used to only hearing about what the customers' values are and how they can be catered to the most. However, it is just as important to have satisfied employees because this will encourage them to want to work well for the brand and be as successful as possible. Without the employees, there is no one to really get the brand out there in the public's face.

The article tells us how there are five different types of values for when it comes to employees: interest value, social value, economic value, developmental value, and application value. The interest value focuses on the level that employees are attracted to employers providing exciting work environments that both challenge and keep them working on high-quality products. The social value places its focus on fun and friendly the company atmosphere is for the employee. Economic value is of course for those employees that are concerned with what their salary is going to look like with the company. Developmental value deals with employees that value being recognized by their company as well as receiving overall growth as an experience from the job. Lastly, Application value focuses on employees wanting to be able to apply what they do at the company to other experiences, such as teaching others different skills down the road.

Based off of the results in the article, the social, interest, and developmental values were seen as the top three most important for employees when deciphering whether they would be interested in a certain job position. It is interesting to point out that the social aspect was the overall highest ranked value, which goes to show that people enjoy being able to communicate with others in a working environment and develop lasting relationships, if possible. Employees also want to be excited about going to work, and this surely guarantees that they will be motivated to do a better job if they are mentally satisfied.

Discussion Questions:

What would your top employee value be out of this group? Why?

Do you think that the social aspect of a job is irrelevant as long as the salary is high enough? Explain.

Would you add any other types of values to this list? If so, what would they be?


Biswas, M., & Suar, D. (2013). Which Employees' Values Matter Most in the Creation of Employer Branding? Journal Of Marketing Development & Competitiveness, 7(1), 93-102.

I need 1 page here. (Double Spaced)

PART TWO..........answer the discussion qns in one page
Apologies for the short fuse on this week's contribution of articles. I've been enjoying some connectivity issues with WebTycho.

This week we have focused on failing brands and employer branding. In some circles, the organizations consider their employees has the first step in creating the market. By creating a satisfying environment, the employees enjoy the perceived benefits and solidify their relationship with the brand (company) in order to have lasting effects and long term relationship with doling out the brand name across numerous media and marketing platforms (Berthon, P. et al, 2005). For example, you may work for a company that treats you well, pays you well and has a family environment. Your loyalty increases and your ability to show your pride in the work becomes apparent in the high quality products you push to your customers. Additionally, you believe in that brand. You know it's a good product and you are motivated to put it in every home in America. In this setting, employee branding becomes an obvious effort.

In this article, the authors discuss the importance of internal marketing in order to increase the capabilities of the brand and, potentially, the product sales itself.

According to Bergstrom, the success of internal branding depends on three things:

1. Communicate the brand to the employees.
2. Convince them of the relevance and worth.
3. Link every job to the delivery of the 'brand essence'.

With these values we see benefits. The employees begin to understand their place within the brand process and begin to work towards that common goal, monetary benefits. With those increases in brand equity, the company is then able to award employees. When this occurs, we have a brand that is generating momentum from the internal workings of the business because the employees are a part of that process. We've reached a pinnacle in balancing quality production with advertising efforts with high-yield gains!


1. Looking towards Bergstrom, do you think that there could be more techniques for solidifying that relationship between brand and employee? Think of one and state it here.

2. What are some techniques your company uses to create the perceived desirable benefits of working for their company? Do you enjoy these? (don't worry, we won't tell your boss

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Marketing Management: Discuss the success of internal branding
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