
Discuss the state secrets privilege and how it is used what

Write a brief response to these essay questions. Responses should not exceed 3 paragraphs. Cite relevant case and/or statute.

1 Discuss if information obtained through FISA can be used in criminal trials? Why or why not?

2 Discuss the "state secrets" privilege and how it is used.

3 What is the "third party" doctrine and explain how it has been applied in the cases we have read this term.

4 What is the role and impact of the International Telecommunications Union?

5 Discuss the "right to be forgotten," what it means, and its impact on U.S. businesses.

6 Explain National Security Letters and their use and legality.

7 What is the rendition process and its legal limitations?

8 Describe the role and function of the President's Civil Liberties and Oversight Board (PCLOB).

9 Explain the importance of identifying insider threats.

10 Discuss the EU Court of Justice May 2014 decision involving Google and its impact on global business.

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Computer Network Security: Discuss the state secrets privilege and how it is used what
Reference No:- TGS01280530

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