
Discuss the state political party organization


Political Party Organization

1. Overview: Each major political party is a network of organizations representing local, state and national levels at which we elect our public officials; decentralization of power - the basic trait of the American political party structure; all three levels of the party organization consist of autonomous units; the party organizations and their elected officeholders are independent of one another and are often at odds over public policy; within each party their exists differences over regional interests, issues, etc.; our party system most reflects "small group" parties run by a small number of leaders and activists with little broad public participation; "mass-membership party" - i.e. tea party - highly participatory party organization; political parties have become more assertive, defined and partisan over the past years.

2. The local party organization: Precinct or ward committee, Precinct or ward chairperson, town or county committee, town or county chairperson.

3. The state political party organization: The state central committee, the state chairperson, the state conventions.

4. The national party organization: The national committee, the national chairperson, the national convention, the Senate and House campaigns committee.

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Other Subject: Discuss the state political party organization
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