
Discuss the sources of information you used for this paper


Subject: Outline for Paper- use the APA format

Georgia Tech Library guide

1. Title

2. Abstract

Brief, high-level overview of the paper (one paragraph in length). What did you set out to do, what information was used, what are your findings and what additional work on this topic is should be done.

3. Introduction

In general, this will explain why you chose this topic and why the topic is relevant to global warming, and also provide the reader with background information. Introductions usually follow a "funnel style," starting broadly and then narrowing. They funnel from something known, to something unknown, to the question the paper is asking.

a. What is the importance of this subject (why should someone read your paper)
b. What did you do (***review of current literature***)
c. What research is needed or this topic
d. State the purpose for your paper
e. What will you show in your paper (what is the thesis of your paper)

4. Brief review of literature - review the highlights/significant points

Discuss the sources of information you used for this paper. Identify the authors and the relevant facts/information from each source. That is, what did the authors do (e.g., model predictions or data collection) and what did they demonstrate (conclude).Indicate strengths and weaknesses. Include citations for the different sources you use.

5. Body - discuss your arguments and supporting information

a. Methods - not needed for this effort
b. Topic 1

• Evidence
• Argument
• Counter claim
• Refutation of counter claim

c. Topic 2

• Evidence
• Argument
• Counter claim
• Refutation of counter claim

6. Conclusions

What are you able to conclude from all this? Why do you think your conclusions are valid and what does it mean to your/our understanding of global warming. Identify strengths and weaknesses of your argument.

a. Review purpose of paper
b. Restate thesis of paper
c. What can you conclude from your research
d. Identify gaps in research
e. What should next steps be

7. References:

Author(s) (last name, first initial; for remaining authors put first initial, then last name), Year report was published, Title of report; where was report published (e.g., name of journal)


Mills, J.E. and A.J. Jones, 2017, How to make sense of what you're doing, Home and Garden Magazine.

Attachment:- Sea-Levels-Rising-as-an-Effect-of-Global-Warming.rar

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Dissertation: Discuss the sources of information you used for this paper
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