
Discuss the similarities and differences between organisms

Assignment 1:

Discuss the similarities and differences between organisms in the domains Bacteria and Archaea. Your assignment should be 250-500 words in length.

Assignment 2:

Introduction to Health Information Management

In a two to three page paper, examine the main components of the Affordable Care Act. Specifically, identify how the ACA addresses the issues of quality, cost, and access to healthcare in the United States. Lastly, summarize if the ACA is meeting its objectives. You may need to refer to the Affordable Care Act government website as listed in your supplement materials.

Be sure to cite your references.

Assignment 3 EN 101: This week's assignment is intended to help get you started on the persuasive essay we will be working on throughout the remainder of this course. Before getting started on this assignment, it might be beneficial for you to read the criteria for the Week Six Persuasive Essay.

For this week, we will be practicing topic selection and outlining. Because this is preparation for next week's persuasive essay, you will need to start by picking a topic that is persuasive. This topic must meet the following criteria:

Arguable (are there at least two logical, yet opposite ways to look at the issue? Are there at least two sides?)
Solvable (i.e. avoid religious, moral, or politically charged topics)
Manageable (keep your topic focused and specific)

Think of a specific problem or issue that you are interested in researching and writing an essay about. This issue should be argumentative in nature, so the topic that you choose should have an equally valid opposing viewpoint.

An example of an appropriate topic would be this:

A specific community is debating an ordinance banning the ownership of pit bulls. Some residents agree that pit bulls should be banned, while others disagree with this position (there is plenty of research to back up either side of the argument).

Your job from there will be to explore the issue, look at both sides of the argument as completely as you can, and take a side. Your essay will be an attempt to convince others to join you in your decision.


Look up and read the following article in the EBSCOhost Database:

Step-by-step through the writing process. (2007). Writing, 30. 1-8.

(Note: You do not need to answer any of the questions from the reading in your assignment).
Read and respond to EACH of the following questions and submit them and your outline in a single document (both parts must be completed).

Part One: Topic Search

For the first part of this assignment, consider the following three questions:

What issue or problem would you like to write about?
Choose a side. What is your view on the issue? What is the opposing view?
What specific change might fix this issue?

Then, freewrite for 10-15 minutes about the topic you have chosen. Share all of the reasons you can think of for why your problem needs to be fixed. Do not worry about grammar, spelling, or format. Do not edit. Write what comes to mind. Do not research yet. If you are stumped and cannot write what you know for 10-15 minutes, go back to #1 and start with a new topic.

Part Two: The Outline

Draft an informal outline for your upcoming persuasive paper. Do not include quotations or paraphrased material. Your outline should be built from your current knowledge of the topic. You can refine this later when you conduct your research.

Basic Outline for a Five Paragraph Essay

Introductory Paragraph (five to seven sentences that include a hook, background information, and a thesis)
Body Paragraphs
First Topic Sentence
Supporting Point
Supporting Point
Supporting Point
Second Topic Sentence
Supporting Point
Supporting Point
Supporting Point
Third Topic Sentence
Supporting Point
Supporting Point
Supporting Point
Closing paragraph (five to seven sentences that include a restatement of the thesis, summary of the main ideas, and a closing thought)

If you are having trouble with your outline, the following link leads to a video that should help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXWMPbfKtUI

Assignment: 3 In a two to three page paper, examine the impact health has on the population as a whole. Address the benefits of a healthy population as well as the costs of an unhealthy population. Be sure to also include a discussion as to if the development of our current healthcare system over time has increased population health or has had no effect. Lastly, research another country's healthcare system. How does it compare to the system currently place in the United States? Is the population healthier as a result of their system?

Be sure to cite your references.

Assignment: 4 Write a Business Letter/ CS 105

Write a letter using Microsoft Word asking a local business (real or imagined) to hold an event or to donate funds for your charity (real or imagined). In the body of the letter ensure you name your charity, what the donation will be used for, the benefits your charity offers to the local community and your contact information. Please read through the remaining directions and information. View the following links to learn about the setup up of a business letter

Parts of a business letter:https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/653/01/
Sample Letters: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/653/02/ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20090417021603_653.pdf

NOTE: No templates are to be used for this assignment

The content (body) of the letter is two paragraphs. The second paragraph would include contact information.
No templates can be used for this assignment. You need to start from a blank word document and complete the letter without the use of a template.
Include sender's address, date, inside address (is the address for the person to whom you are sending the letter and is right before the salutation - see the links above), salutation, body of the letter, and signature block.
Include a bulleted or numbered list of at least three items in the body of the letter. For instance, this could be for how the donation will be used, benefits of your charity, or ideas for an event.
Change the font of the signature in the signature block of the letter so that it is a different font than that used in the rest of the letter.
Use at least two other font features like font size, bold, or underline in the letter. For instance, you might italicize the signature or contact information, change the font size of the bulleted list, underline the phone number, bold the name of the charity, etc.
Save your file as CS105_Week1_LastnameFirstInitial.

Assignment : 5 Ah111 :Impact of Health

In a two to three page paper, examine the impact health has on the population as a whole. Address the benefits of a healthy population as well as the costs of an unhealthy population. Be sure to also include a discussion as to if the development of our current healthcare system over time has increased population health or has had no effect. Lastly, research another country's healthcare system. How does it compare to the system currently place in the United States? Is the population healthier as a result of their system?

Assignment 6: CS 105
Write a Business Letter

Write a letter using Microsoft Word asking a local business (real or imagined) to hold an event or to donate funds for your charity (real or imagined). In the body of the letter ensure you name your charity, what the donation will be used for, the benefits your charity offers to the local community and your contact information. Please read through the remaining directions and information. View the following links to learn about the setup up of a business letter

Parts of a business letter:https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/653/01/

Sample Letters:



NOTE: No templates are to be used for this assignment

The content (body) of the letter is two paragraphs. The second paragraph would include contact information.
No templates can be used for this assignment. You need to start from a blank word document and complete the letter without the use of a template.

Include sender's address, date, inside address (is the address for the person to whom you are sending the letter and is right before the salutation - see the links above), salutation, body of the letter, and signature block.

Include a bulleted or numbered list of at least three items in the body of the letter. For instance, this could be for how the donation will be used, benefits of your charity, or ideas for an event.

Change the font of the signature in the signature block of the letter so that it is a different font than that used in the rest of the letter.

Use at least two other font features like font size, bold, or underline in the letter. For instance, you might italicize the signature or contact information, change the font size of the bulleted list, underline the phone number, bold the name of the charity, etc.

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Dissertation: Discuss the similarities and differences between organisms
Reference No:- TGS01674623

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