
Discuss the significance of the problem to nursing brief


Research Paper

Purpose of the project is to complete all the steps necessary to implement a nursing research project.

Will be subdivided into 4 different papers. APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography

More than 5 current sources, of which at least 3 are peer review journal articles or scholarly books.

Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources.

Special-interest sources and popular literature and acknowledged as such if they are cited.

Paper 1

Planning stage of a research project. 3-4 page paper with a topic. Topic Idea : Vaccination/ Immunization (Are vaccines effective? Side effects, Parental/Patients refusal of vaccines)

-Brief introduction of the situation utilizing published nursing research articles.


1- Introduction to the problem.

2- Identify the Problem

3- Significance of the problem to nursing

4- Purpose of the research.

5- Research questions

6- Master's essentials related to the topic.

Paper 2- Design

-Brief literature review on the topic (at least 5 support articles) and the desired methodology for the project. 5-6 pages.

1- Methodology and design of the study

2- Sampling methodology

3- Necessary tools

4- Any algorithms or flow maps.

Paper 3- Implementation

Will be written in future state as the actual project will not be implemented. 5-6 pages.

Provide step by step on how the program will be implemented. Table describing the timeframe of the project, if there is any budget that needs to be taken into account, any resources or statistically tools required.

Paper 4- Results. Aprox 6 pages.

Based on hypothetically analysis. Results described will be based on whatever the students would like the research results to be (since will not be actual implementing the process)

Need to provide results for all of the statistical tools mentioned and provide descriptive data (demographics of the population, different descriptive data points, etc). Include research limitations to improve for future studies.

Final submission

Basically the combination of the other four phases into one paper. Will need to be corrected with all of the feedback provided form previous papers. Include a conclusion and learning experiences from the essentials and from the class.

Cites all data obtained from other sources.

APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography

More than 5 current sources, of which at least 3 are peer review journal articles or scholarly books.

Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources.

Special-interest sources and popular literature and acknowledged as such if they are cited.

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Dissertation: Discuss the significance of the problem to nursing brief
Reference No:- TGS02677940

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