Discuss the shifting out of the drama triangle


"Putting It All Together"

SWOT, grit, growth, victim, creator, motivation, academic integrity.

1. Read the article Shifting out of the Drama Triangle: Victim vs. Creator Mindsets.

2. Create a 5-paragraph essay which explains how having the creator mindset canfoster greater success in college than having the victim mindset. For sources, besure to use this week's article as well as the articles required for weeks two andthree to support your argument.

a. The first paragraph is your introduction. It should introduce the topic andcontain the thesis statement.

b. The second paragraph should have a topic sentence that relates to thethesis statement. This paragraph should provide supporting evidence orideas for your thesis that come from the designated article "Shifting out ofthe Drama Triangle." In this paragraph, you must incorporate oneparaphrase from the article and cite it in text properly using APA citations.

This paraphrase must be highlighted in yellow. Also you must alsoincorporate one short, direct quote from the article and cite it in text
properly using APA citations. This direct quote must be highlighted inblue.

c. The third and fourth paragraphs are also supporting paragraphs for yourthesis. They should have topic sentences that support your thesisstatement, and contain additional information that further supports thethesis. Be sure to paraphrase or summarize the two articles youhavealready found regarding the growth mindset. Use your own words, butprovide credit to the articles from which you have taken your ideas.

d. The final paragraph is the conclusion. It should connect to the introductoryparagraph and summarize the main points of the paper

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Marketing Management: Discuss the shifting out of the drama triangle
Reference No:- TGS02042083

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