Please use several credible sources (8 to 10), books and journal articles, not websites to support your work.
Create a 7 to 10 page essay. You may select a topic from the following list or suggest your own.
love and close relationships
self-fulfilling prophecies
peacemaking among individuals, families, or groups
intergroup conflict
aggression/social stimuli
Use proper subheadings, double-spacing, 12-point font, one-inch margins (left, right, top, and bottom), page numbering, and logical flow from topic to topic.
Information and/or quotes from other sources should be relevant and thoughtfully placed. Consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, sixth edition, for proper form of citations and references. You may use sources from the Web, your textbook or other books, and scientific journals. Magazines and newspapers are generally not acceptable. For instance, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology is acceptable, but Psychology Today is not.