Discuss the science of climate change is not settled


Put the following argument into Standard Argument Form. Show rough work before Standard Argument Form diagram. Follow the model taught in class for completing both rough work and for putting the argument into Standard Argument Form. State kinds of premises in diagram. Formulate two hidden premises or unstated assumptions and include in Standard Argument Form diagram. Next, assess the argument by applying the 3 Conditions for a Good Argument, following the model taught in class. Discuss all the conditions that apply to this argument. In other words, apply and discuss more than one condition, if applicable to the argument. Follow model taught in class in answer. Include write up of analysis at end of answer.


We should not worry about global warming. First, the science of climate change is not settled. Second, it costs too much to fix. Third, longer, warmer summers in the temperate zone will make farming more productive. Moreover, more people die of the cold than the heat.

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English: Discuss the science of climate change is not settled
Reference No:- TGS03279072

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