
Discuss the roles of race and culture in shaping personality


A. Explain and illustrate the concept of fictional finalism, as this relates to an area of belief in your life or in the life of a famous person. This issue may be an idolized goal such as perfection, or the concept that can't be tested by reality, but becomes a personal belief system.

B. Freud's theory of psychosexual development assumes that all children have unconscious sexual desires, lust, and unbridled sexual impulses. In your opinion, do you agree or disagree with these stages of personality development? List and explain three ways you agree or disagree with Freud.

C. The id seems to be the impulsive side of a person, and the ego is the controlling side that helps balance the impulsive acts of the id. The superego functions as the moral control in relation to the id and the ego. Give a real-life example of a person struggling with a frustrating problem and how the id, ego, and the superego would respond to the anxiety in this person.

D. Jung proposed several major archetypes, such as the persona, the anima and animus, the shadow, and the self. Define each arche type and give an illustration for each of them.

E. Discuss the roles of race, gender, and culture in shaping personality. Provide examples that illustrate your understanding.

F. How does Freud justify the necessity of defense mechanisms to mental health?

G. Discuss the criticisms and contributions of Freud, Jung or Adler. (Choose 1 theorist)

H. Compare and contrast two of the following theorists, Freud, Jung and/or Adler. Please provide 3 examples to illustrate your understanding.

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