
Discuss the role that marketing research can play in

1. Discuss the role that marketing research can play in helping McNerney build a strong Boeing sales force.

2. Discuss the role that marketing research can play in enabling strong sales for the 787 Dream liner.

3. McNerney wants the 787 Dreamliner to be a strong success. Define the management-decision problem.

4. Define the corresponding marketing research problem.

5. Develop two research questions with two hypotheses corresponding to each.

6. Do you think that the research design adopted by TNS was appropriate? Why or why not?

7. Search the Internet to determine the demand by a major airline for new planes in the next 5 years.

8. Search the Internet to determine the total number of passengers that traveled by air in the past year.

9. What type of internal database will help Boeing in forecasting the demand for new planes by its customers?

10. Discuss the role of qualitative research in helping Boeing develop and market the 787 Dreamliner.

11. Which qualitative research technique should be used to determine air passengers' attitudes and preferences for various types of aircraft?

12. If a survey is to be conducted to determine air passengers' attitudes and preferences for various types of aircraft, which survey method should be used and why?

13. If a survey is to be conducted to determine commercial airlines' attitudes and preferences for various types of aircraft, which survey method should be used and why?

14. Was the telephone survey conducted by TNS the most appropriate method for determining the drivers of sales force loyalty toward the place of work? If not, which survey method would you recommend?

15. Discuss the role of causal research in developing an advertising campaign for the 787 Dream liner.

16. Develop ordinal and interval scales for measuring preference of commercial airlines for Boeing 757, 767, and 787 and Airbus A300, A310, and A330 models.

17. Develop Likert. semantic differential, and Stapel scales for measuring the importance that commercial airlines attach to the fuel efficiency of a plane.

18. Which type of scale would you use for measuring commercial airlines' image of Boeing? Develop such a scale.

19. Critically evaluate the questionnaire given in this case. What improvements do you suggest?

20. Describe the sampling plan adopted in this case. Do you think it is appropriate?

21. Do you think that the sample size was appropriate in this case? Present statistical reasoning to support your answer.

22. This case made use of telephone surveys. How would you customize the fieldwork process mentioned in the book to the case of telephone interviews?

23. Carry out consistency checks for the data file for this case. Do you identify any problems with the data?

24. Develop a codebook for questions D 1 to D 12 of the questionnaire for this case.

25. Run a frequency distribution including descriptive statistics for all the variables. Interpret the results.

26. Recode question 3 ("How loyal would you say that you are personally to the place you work?") into a new variable with two categories (1 to 6 = 1, low loyalty; 7 = 2, high loyalty). Recode question 4 ("How much loyalty would you say the place you work for has to you?") into a new variable with three categories (1 to 3 = 1, no loyalty; 4 to 5 = 2, some loyalty; 6 to 7 = 3, high loyalty). Are these two categorical variables associated? Interpret your results.

27. Do salespeople who exhibit low or high loyalty to a place of work (recoded question 3) differ in terms of each of the demographic characteristics, D1 to D12? In other words, is salesperson loyalty associated with any of the 12 demographic characteristics? Note that age (D 1 O) is recorded as the year of birth. Instead of D1 0, use the age variable. Divide the sample into four roughly equal age groups based on age.

28. Sum all the items (a through o) of question 2 to form an overall satisfaction scale. Obtain a frequency distribution and summary statistics for this overall satisfaction scale. Interpret the results.

29. Do salespeople who exhibit low or high loyalty to a place of work (recoded question 3) differ in terms of each of the items of question 1 (a through h)?

30. Do salespeople who exhibit low or high loyalty to a place of work (recoded question 3) differ in terms of each of the satisfaction items of question 2 (a through o)? Identify the five items that exhibit the greatest difference between the two groups.

31. Do the no-loyalty, some-loyalty, or high-loyalty groups of question 4 (receded question 4) differ in terms of each of the satisfaction items of question 2 (a through o)?

32. What is the correlation between the two original loyalty measures of questions 3 and 4? What can be said of the causal relationship between the two original measures of loyalty?

33. Conduct a multiple regression using the loyalty to the place of work (original question 3) as the dependent variable. The five independent variables will be the five items of question 2 that exhibited the greatest difference in the t-tests of Chapter 17.

Interpret the results.

34. Conduct a multiple regression using the loyalty to the place of work (original question 3) as the dependent variable and items a through f of question 2 as the independent variables. Interpret the results.

35. What do McNerney and his staff need to know about business-to-business salesperson loyalty? Create a one-page, single-spaced summary of these results.

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Marketing Research: Discuss the role that marketing research can play in
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