
Discuss the role of women in indian national movement

Attempt five questions.  The assignment is divided into two Sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Each answer should be about 500 words.


1. Comment on sources for writing of ancient history. Is interpretation a trouble?   

2. How is society reflected in rituals of the Vedic texts?    

3. “label ‘tribe’ is the unstable category”. Comment in light of the post 6th Century B.C. developments.    

4. Do you agree with B. D. Chattopadyaya that transition to early medieval period must be seen more in terms of the local and regional movements rather than in terms of a crisis of a pre-existent, pan Indian social order? Discuss.                           

5. Discuss the problem of proliferation of jatis in early medieval period.    


6. Comment on debate on origin and growth of Rajputs as clans and confederacies

7. Discuss the debate on village communities in North India.

8. How do you look at B. R. Ambedkar’s concept of ‘annihilation of caste’?

9. Discuss role of women in an Indian national movement.

10. Did socio-religious movements at the time of colonial period ‘reorder’ society in areas of ‘social behaviour, structure and control? Comment.  

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History: Discuss the role of women in indian national movement
Reference No:- TGS02087

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