
Discuss the role of theme and setting in the works the

Please answer the following discussion questions in at 175-200 words.

Literature Questions

1. Discuss the role of theme and setting in the works, "The Thing in the Forest" and "The Grasshopper and Bell Cricket". Please include specific quotations and passages from your reading to further expand and support your ideas along with appropriate citations.

Thing in the for rest: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Y2FsZHdlbGxzY2hvb2xzLm9yZ3xlbmcxNzV8Z3g6NDRjN2Q0OWFmZDIyZmU

2. Fiction stories are not real accounts; however, many pieces of fiction reflect themes and concepts found within reality. Discuss one of the assigned pieces for the week focusing on connections to reality. Are the stories fantastical or based in reality? Can you relate to the characters? Why do you think the author(s) chose to portray the characters, setting, and theme in the manner they did?

Public Relations Questions

1. The text mentions six methods for maintaining consistency. Provide two examples where you used these methods (a different method for each example). Was it successful? Explain.

Six methods include: Denial: Bolstering: Bargaining: Differentiation: Transcendence: Communicating:

2. What is the "halo-effect"? Have you ever been influenced by it? Give an example.

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Dissertation: Discuss the role of theme and setting in the works the
Reference No:- TGS02167253

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