
Discuss the role of the irs and courts how are these


*Additionally, make sure you cite and list your references (APA format) for the discussion posts. I do run posts through a plagiarism checker. I would like to see 80% original work and 20% use of references to support your discussion.

Wikipedia or any other site ending in pedia are NOT acceptable references. Additionally, I do not accept about.com, dictionary.com, any encyclopedia, help.com, how.com, investopedia, or similar. You may use the textbook, the IRS, or other industry standard reference. When posting your reference, make sure to use the entire URL not just listing the website where you found the information.

1. Describe the steps in the Tax Research Process including examples that illustrate your thoughts. Why is this process important to understand?

2. Active listening is important in this process. Have you ever been part of an audit or research project where the researcher only hears and documents what they think they are looking for? Many times, subjective interpretation of a conversation can be very damaging to a company.

3. Let's look at authority and resources. There are several levels of authority. How does the researcher know which one to use? Does the tax code override all others or do court rulings have some weight? Can you also discuss the goal of tax research?

4. Discuss the role of the IRS and Courts. How are these related to tax research?

5. Discuss substantial authority? How are court cases related? Any chance of finding a current article on substantial authority? Please post and discuss.

6. Discuss tax advantages and disadvantages of each business entity form, including examples from research or personal experience.

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Taxation: Discuss the role of the irs and courts how are these
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