
Discuss the role of demographics in relationship to

Question: 1. Application of concepts/time value of money?

2. Which is more detrimental to a firm, pricing your product or service too high, or pricing your product or service too low?

3. Discuss the role of demographics in relationship to integrated marketing communications.

4. Will read 5 journal/research articles that pertain to marketing a service (as opposed to a product). Students will then write a 3-5 page report (excluding cover page, abstract, and references) synthesizing those 5 articles. APA methodology applies to this assignment.

Need them each in separate documents

Note: Significant posts are at least 300 words and require some information from the text, academically reviewed papers, some significant commentary that requires knowledge of the subject matter, a web link to an article or other source in order to be accepted

Provide appropriate APA in-text citations and references.

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Marketing Management: Discuss the role of demographics in relationship to
Reference No:- TGS02914037

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