In the first posting above I supplied you with Shackles paper on Keynes and Human Nature. Attached to this note is Coddington's paper on Deficient Foresight. Your assignment is First, in 2000 words compare and contrast the two views expressed here regarding the role that expectations play in Keynes' model. Then after making your observations Answer the following: Do you think they capture the central role of expectations accurately? Why/Why not? Then answer: Why are expectations so important to Keynes' vision of the economy and How do Keynes' Vision of expectations contrast to the role of expectations in the classical model?
I summary this course: the course name is Economics of J.M Keynes (that is a person, and u can google search the person and theroy) I attach 2 articles that are MUST read( bez that all about some people's reading reflection after they read Keynes) Also i attach other one have 3 pdf,, that are other people Summary of the expectation aspects written by Keynes.
Is to study the theme of jm Keynes
Then one of the articles I gave you was shackles on Keynes.
PS: Shackles is a person that reading is shackles' book note
2000 words.
MLA format
1. Keynes and the Nature of Human Affairs
By G. L. S. Shackle
2. Deficient Foresight: A Troublesome Theme in Keynesian Economics
By Alan Coddington
3. Beyond Rational Expectations: A Constructive Interpretation of Keynes's Analysis of Behaviour Under Uncertainty
By Bill Gerrard
4. Hayek and Keynes: from a common critique of economic method to different theories of expectations
By Anna carabelli & nicolo de vecchi
5. Economic Methodology in the Face of Uncertainty: The Modelling Methods of Keynes and the Post-Keynesians
By J. A. Kregel
6. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, And Money
By John Matnard Keynes