
Discuss the relevant history and connection to the houston


Reality Based Education and Writing Practice Assignment


In order to create inclusive organizations and communities, we must ensure that every individual is valued and viewed as critical to its success and competitive advantage. Therefore, you will envision a real-life opportunity for changing inequities in the UH-Downtown or Houston community. I want you to reflect upon what you see as pressing needs of the Houston community (business or otherwise). The end result of your efforts will be deliverables that should be worthy of being shared with the President of UHD, a CEO of a company, or the Mayor of the City of Houston.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a writing practice course. Please make sure you review the "writing tips" at https://library.uhd.edu/businesswriting and in the Writing Rubric below (Appendix A). I will hold you to these standards. Also, remember there is a COB Writing Tutor Lab you can access if you need help with your writing (go to https://library.uhd.edu/businesswriting link to schedule an appointment).

OTHER RESOURCES IN YOUR BOOK: Your textbook also provides some helpful information in completing this project. You can use anything in the book, but pages 57-58 and 376-380 are especially helpful in conducting this project.

Memo #1 - Summary of Core Issues

Your memo should be a professional (i.e., organized and attractive) 1-page document. This means you should use 11 or 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and single-spacing, as well as follow the below structure.

I. Opening Statement

II. Background of Situation (1 paragraph)

• Discuss the relevant history, statistics/facts, mission, and connection to the Houston community.

III. Perception and Reputation (1 paragraph)

• Examine your selected organization's website or other resources to learn how potential employees, customers, etc. may view the organization. What perceptions might you have about the organization's commitment to diversity based solely upon their website? Be specific and provide concrete examples.

IV. Strengths and Weaknesses (1 paragraph)

• Conduct your own research to evaluate what the organization is doing particularly well to build inclusion. Conversely, you should identify challenges, inequities, and areas of improvement.

V. Closing Statement

Memo #2 - Proposed Course of Action

Your memo should be a professional (i.e., organized and attractive) 2-page document. This means you should use 11 or 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and single-spacing, as well as follow the below structure.

I. Opening Statement

• Provide statement of problem/challenge. What will be the end result and benefits of your proposal?

II. Course of Action (i.e., Design & Delivery; 2 paragraphs)

• Detailed description of what (i.e., content) you propose and how (i.e., process) you will execute your proposed change.

III. Opportunities and Threats (1 paragraph)

• What are potential opportunities (e.g., partnerships with existing UHD or community services) or threats (e.g., naysayers) to your proposal?

IV. Evaluation / Evidence of Success (1 paragraph)

• Discuss how you will know whether your program is effective and successful? What markers will you use? How will you assess it?

V. Closing Statement

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Other Management: Discuss the relevant history and connection to the houston
Reference No:- TGS01788917

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